Pay Bucket Codes

@ADG Average Daily Guarnatee at Premium rates Pilots
@DRIG  Duty Rig paid at premium rate Both
@PREM  Credit hours paid at Premium rate (RSA) Both
@PREMPR  Protected credit that is paid at Premium rates       Pilots
@TRIG  Trip Rig paid at premium rate Both
ADG Average Daily Guarantee rig       Both
ADJUST Productivity Pay (Mint Rig) Inflight
ADR Pairings assigned off of RSA Inflight
ADR Reserve Augmentation Incentive (175%) Pilots
ARIG  Credit hours as a result of 5 Hour Duty Average Rig       Both
BLKCR  Credit hours paid for block time Both
BLKPR  Credit hours paid due to pay protection of block time Both
CONV Long call conversion Pilots
GHT  Ground Hold Time credit hours Both
HOL  Holiday pay credit hours       Both
HOLPR  holiday pay protection Both
INPD  Flight International non layover per diem       Pilots
INPDL Flight International layover per diem Pilots
JADG Average DailyGuarantee at JRA rates  Pilots
JDRIG  Duty Rig paid at JRA rate Pilots
JRA  Credit hours paid at JRA rate Both
JRAPR  Protected credit that is paid at JRA rates       Inflight
JTRIG Trip Rig paid at JRA rate Pilots
LGAdj Adjustment to credit hours due to lack of PTO, displayed as red negative number  Both
NOR Night Override pay credit hours Both
NORPR  night override pay protection Both
PERD Non-layover Per Diem Both
RDAY  Reserve Day count Both
SPS  International Override Pilots
SPSPR  International Override Protection Pilots
TACLAG Total accured credit less above guarantee Both